Nicki Walsh

Statewide Consumer Carer Coordinator, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health  

 Nicki holds a Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood and a Bachelor of Business (Human Resources) and in her early career worked in Early Learning Centres and schools as an Educator, Teacher’s Aide and Outside School Hours Care Coordinator.

Nicki has also spent many years working in Human Resources in the Early Childhood sector, supporting and strengthening the sector workforce. Nicki brings a passion for ensuring that perinatal and infant mental health services listen to the needs of children and families, and in 2022 Nicki was appointed Statewide Consumer Care Coordinator at the Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health.

In this role, Nicki uses her own lived experiences to connect with children and families to understand their needs, journey and experience, and ensures that the perinatal and infant mental health service system listens and responds to the voices of children and families.   

“I feel that the ECEC sector should feel accessible, 'easy' and non-judgemental for our children and families - places where families can gather, be supported and where children get the critical best start to their lives.”