Ranu James

Director, Weaving Cultural Stories  

Ranu is a Papuan Australian with lived experience and a deep belief around inclusion and the right of all people to connect with their culture.

She holds over 30 years’ experience in early childhood working across all areas of the sector including working directly with children, their families and Educators. Ranu has had extensive experience creating resources for the Early Childhood Education and Care Sector, these resources are for Educators, Students, RTO organisations, Management, Children and Families. In recent years this has included supporting educators to develop their cultural proficiency by critically reflecting on their own cultural awareness and how this translates into practice.  

Ranu believes early childhood services are important in providing culturally inclusive spaces for all children, including those who identify as Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or from one of the many culturally and linguistically diverse communities across Australia.    

“We all have a right to know who we are, who our people are, where we are from and the stories of our family and cultural connections. I believe that early childhood services can be spaces where children can experience this.”