The Front Project welcomes the Measuring What Matters report

Leading early childhood education and care (ECEC) organisation, The Front Project, welcomes the government's statement that ‘Every child deserves the opportunity for the best start to life, setting a strong foundation to achieve their goals and dreams, no matter where they are born or raised.’

The release of Australia’s first Wellbeing Framework, Measuring What Matters report is an important step in tracking our progress against both economic and social goals. The Front Project embraces the statement that emphasizes the fundamental importance of wellbeing, underlining the key role of quality early childhood education in nurturing a child's development.

Jane Hunt, CEO of The Front Project, affirms, "High quality early education lays foundations that can last a lifetime, benefiting our society and our nation’s future prosperity."

The Front Project eagerly anticipates the ongoing initiatives, the National Early Years Strategy, Cheaper Child Care reforms, and the Productivity Commission inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Care. These actions present an opportunity to shape a nationally consistent system for families, providers, and the workforce.

“Our vision is to address disadvantage by improving quality and access in Australia’s early childhood education,” says Jane Hunt.

"The Australian Government has shown pivotal support for children and families engaged in early learning. It is critical that ECEC remains affordable and accessible for all."

"It is essential that states, territories, federal government, the sector and families collaborate to ensure the benefits of a high-quality early learning system are realised."

With this in mind, in its commitment to equal opportunities for all Australian children, the Front Project suggests a system stewardship approach, combining health, family services, and school education. It recommends diverse funding models to assist children in adversity, better wages and conditions for the workforce, and honours First Nations learning through strong policy partnerships. This broad, inclusive strategy underscores the organisation's vision of a prosperous future for all children.

"Our collective efforts can shape a future where no child misses out, no matter their circumstances. Let’s work together towards a future where all Australian children have equal opportunity to prosper," says Jane Hunt.